24 September 2010

UV Angel Keyring

UV Angel have kindly donated a unique, beautifully Hand Crafted Keyring made with an assortment of glass, metal and UV beads as one of the Lots for our Charity Auction.

"UV Angel is a partnership which started life in the summer of 2008. The idea was simple… we wanted to promote the importance of keeping yourself safe in the sun.

We’ve all seen the blistering red sunburned bodies each summer and read the tragic stories of people who have died as a result of skin cancer. The truth is that at least 80% of all skin cancers are caused by over-exposure to harmful UV radiation from sunlight and sunbeds.

As the parents of fair skinned children ourselves, we understand the importance of keeping them safe from unnecessary pain and danger. We believe we have found a great way to teach them through our jewellery line, as children and adults alike love the colour changing beads!

At UV Angel we’re hugely committed to helping people become much more sun-savvy!

click here to see our products!"

Here are the details for this Lot:

  • Unique Hand Crafted UV Angel Keyring
  • Assorted of glass, metal and UV Beads
  • Guardian Angel Charm
  • Buddha Charm
  • Organza Bag
  • Information Card
Would you love to own this delightful item or do you know someone who it would make the perfect gift for? If so come along to the Shoulder of Mutton, Thwaites Village Keighley on Saturday 25 September 2010 at 7:00 p.m and place your bid!
You can also Email Your Bid

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