17 July 2008

Email Your Bid

From Friday 12 September onwards we shall be taking bids by email and adding them to the Auction Book for the evening of Saturday 26 September 2009.

How to Place a Bid by Email:

1. Email friendsofswifty@gmail.com AFTER the 11 September and BEFORE 26 September 2009.

2. Put the title of the Auction Lot you would like to bid on in the subject field of your email.

3. Include your real name and a contact telephone number. [We promise not to share your details with a third party and that they shall remain confidential].

4. Include the amount that you wish to bid for the Lot.

5. The auction for each Lot will commence with the highest bid received so far.

If you have any questions or not sure what to do? Send an email to friendsofswifty@gmail.com

10 July 2008